While travel has by no means made a complete comeback to its pre-COVID days, things are finally starting to get back on track in the industry. However, travel looks a lot different today than it did six months ago. Here’s a brief list of key measures US-based airlines are taking to ensure the safety of their travelers and staff.
American Airlines
American Airlines is taking additional measures to clean their aircrafts and protect the safety of their passengers. They’ve extended the use of an EPA-approved, hospital-grade disinfectant that kills 99.99% of viruses and bacteria and lasts up to 7 days. They also have HEPA filters on all mainline aircraft and most regional jets that refresh the cabin air every two to four minutes. Flight staff is also disinfecting high-touch and public areas between flights and providing hand wipes or gels on most international and some domestic flights. Additionally, all flight crew members and travelers are required to wear masks while flying American. You can find out more about American Airline’s safety policy here.
Alaska Airlines
In addition to mandatory face coverings, Alaska Airlines has blocked the middle seat in each row in addition to other seats in the cabin through July 31, 2020. First class seats are also capped at 50% capacity and all flights are capped at 65% capacity through July 31, 2020. Additionally, the planes are all equipped with hospital grade HEPA filters that removed 99.95% of airborne particles and the air filtration system cycles outside air onboard every three minutes. Their team uses high-grade EPA disinfectant and electrostatic sprayers to clean critical areas of the plane. Find out more about Alaska Airlines’ policy here.
Delta is taking additional steps to protect travelers and flight staff. Delta requires all passengers and staff to wear face coverings and plexiglass shields are in place at Delta check-in and gate counters and you’re encouraged to maintain a safe distance with decals at check-in, at the gate and on all Delta-owned jet bridges. Additionally, the air on all aircraft is completely recirculated 10 to 30 times per hour with fresh, outside air or through industrial-grade HEPA filters. These HEPA filters have similar performance to those used in hospital operating rooms and other highly sensitive environments in order to further protect passengers. They extract more than 99.99% if particles, including viruses. Delta is also utilizing electrostatic spraying with high-grade disinfectant to sanitize all their aircraft before every flight.
Additionally, Delta is blocking seating across all cabins on all aircraft and capping seating at 50% in first class and 60% in Main Cabin, Delta Comfort+, and Delta Premium Select to promote social distancing through September 30, 2020. All middle seats and select aisle/window seats will be blocked from the seat map through September 30, 2020. You can find out more about Delta’s policies here.
In addition to mandatory face masks, Frontier has implemented touchless temperature screenings and other cleaning protocols to protect the health of travelers. All of Frontier’s aircraft have hospital-grade HEPA filters, state-of-the-art filtration technology. They’ve also increased disinfection procedures and added anti-bacterial hand soaps. Planes are cleaned between every flight and every night the planes are deep cleaned for 4-6 hours using industry-recommended disinfectant. Monthly enhanced deep cleaning of the entire aircraft utilizing an anti-microbial agent that reaches virtually every surface and forms a protective shield that continues to be effective against viruses for 30 days. Frontier aircrafts will also be boarded from the back to the front in order to promote social distancing and customers can book an aisle or window seat in a More Room row and the adjacent middle seat is guaranteed to be empty. Find out more about what Frontier is doing here.
In order to promote social distancing, JetBlue has reduced their flight schedule by 80% and they are capping flight capacity. Flights are also boarded by row to encourage social distancing. Additionally, all JetBlue passengers are required to wear face masks during check-in, boarding, on the flight, and deplaning. They are the first US air carrier to require passengers to wear masks. JetBlue is also checking the temperatures of their pilots and inflight crewmembers as an added layer of precaution as flights start to pick back up. Additionally, middle seats on larger aircraft and aisle seats on smaller aircraft can be blocked for purchase through July 31, 2020. Flights are also boarded back to front. Find out more about JetBlue’s policies here.
All Southwest aircraft are equipped with HEPA filters, which filter out airborne particles as the air onboard is recirculated with outside air. They’re also using electrostatic disinfectant spray throughout the entire aircraft, including the cabin, on elements of the flight deck, and the lavatory. They are also blocking middle seats through September 30, 2020. Find out more here.
United Airlines
United recently introduced United CleanPlus with Clorox to redefine their cleaning procedures. They are rolling out Clorox products across US airports and are working closely with experts at Cleveland Clinic to enhance their cleaning protocols. All United aircrafts are equipped with state-of-the-art, hospital-grade, high-efficiency (HEPA) filters that circulate air and remove up to 99.7% of airborne particles. Additionally, all aircraft have electrostatic sprayers on every departure to disinfect the air and surfaces within the plane. Find out more about United CleanPlus here.
** We suggest checking airline websites for the most current information before travelling. Here’s a more complete list of links for major US carriers.
· Cape Air
· Frontier