Gant Travel is pleased to introduce the Fare and Rate Guardian price tracking tools, our newest enhancements to our quality control software. The Guardian software monitors all air and hotel reservations, securing lower rates and fares without changing a traveler’s itinerary – locking in savings while providing your travelers with the same great travel experience.
Fare and Rate Guardian alert when a lower price is identified on a booking, and a Gant Travel agent reviews the alert to ensure a minimum threshold is met after all reissue and monitoring fees have been assessed. When the lower price makes fiscal sense, the agent will then rebook the itinerary, refunding the initial cost and securing the new price, and a new “Final Ticketed Itinerary” will be issued to the traveler with the new totals.
Fare Guardian: As with our current quality control software, the new Fare Guardian will monitor flight selections through an airline’s void window. Following flight reservations through this time frame only allows us to secure the lower fare without the hassle and fees of an unused ticket voucher. New fares secured will be for the same airline, same flight, same class, and same seat originally booked.
Rate Guardian: Gant’s Rate Guardian is an enhancement to our current QC solution that tracks continually tracks hotel reservations from booking until check-in, alerting if room rate savings are available. The system reviews pricing changes at the same hotel, for the same room-type, offering the same amenities that were originally purchased. If the price drops from the time of booking, Rate Guardian will alert on the change and secure the better rate.
- Does Not Impact the Traveler. Our software secures a lower rate/fare without changing the traveler’s original itinerary.
- Offers Corporate Price Checking. Rate Guardian monitors both preferred and public rates (excluding non-refundable, AAA, senior, teacher, government, ADA).
- Works with International Hotel Bookings. International hotel rooms are displayed in currency booked.
- Includes Change Fee Calculations and Realized Savings fee. Fare Guardian factors in any applicable TMC agent change fee as well as the 30% realized savings fee before alerting, and prior to comparing the realized against the required savings threshold. (The realized saving fee is the percentage of savings charged for identifying the savings alert.)
- Includes Customized Alerts. Savings alert thresholds are set to a minimum (after all fees) of $40.00 for Fare Guardian and $20.00 for Rate Guardian before alerting.
- Enhanced Reporting. Our new Fare and Rate Guardian software enhancements now allows Gant to begin monitoring and reporting on the saving alerts received by your organization.
These software enhancements are a small piece of our ongoing quest to become the best TMC on the planet for the SAP Concur user. This quest requires that we continually improve the way we assist you and your travelers, not only through our technology and software, but also though our systems, integrations, processes, partnerships, and more. We appreciate the opportunity to work with you and your travelers, please reach out to your account manager if you have any questions or concerns.