Good question.
You might’ve noticed from recent headlines and/or our communications, there’s been a TON of updates surrounding New Distribution Capability (NDC) fares lately.
(If we’re being honest… the updates haven’t stopped in almost a year and a half, but these are some of the most important ones yet. And you’re going to want to be in the loop).
Since the official (and let’s just call it… abrupt) roll out of NDC in early 2023, #teamgant has committed to keep our clients in the know. That doesn’t mean it hasn’t been overwhelming as we all tried to navigate this (pretty complex) offering…
Now the initial commotion is behind us, and we think it’s safe to say that airlines, GDSs, and travel management companies (TMCs) – like us – are getting to a much better place with NDC across the board.
Which brings us to our first NDC update:
American Airlines redirects their NDC strategy
In April of last year, American Airlines was the first carrier to begin using NDC content to push customers to book through their direct channels. This involved a total restriction of NDC fares in Global Distribution Systems (GDSs) used by travel providers, including Gant. Other major airlines like Air Canada, Air France, and Virgin Atlantic were quick to follow in their footsteps.
As a result, travelers who wanted to book flights with American – and the other carriers who followed – were left without access to these new (and more personalized…and oftentimes cheaper) tickets if they booked on legacy channels.
Because the actual changeover happened so quickly, this was a HUGE deal for travel providers as basically no one had the necessary technology to establish NDC connections to Online Booking Tools (OBTs) yet. Though airlines almost immediately formed agreements with GDS providers to bridge this gap, the race to offer NDC content was anything but smooth for most.
Fast forward to May 2024…
American Airlines began to recognize how their NDC strategy could’ve negatively impacted travel providers/corporate clients across the business travel industry. They have now decided to completely redirect and listen to crucial feedback to start changing it for the better.
In a recent statement, CEO Robert Isom expressed “regret” for the rapid roll out of NDC fares within their direct booking channels. He recognized that many of their partners rely on legacy channels to fulfill bookings and wants to “ensure that no customer is hurt” by their retailing strategy.
American Airlines then committed to a new NDC approach that meets customers where they are, specifically through GDSs that previously didn’t have the ability to make NDC connections.
That’s a WIN for all of us in business travel!
(Read more about their positive steps forward here).
Plus, American Airlines NDC content isn’t the only NDC content you’ll have better access to… Because #teamgant is making some pretty significant NDC updates of our own!
Gant expands NDC connectivity
A new, tech-centric era of corporate travel has arrived, and we’re all for it. Gant is working to streamline the processes to book and/or service NDC fares however we can. We’re proud to be a part of all this innovation going on around the industry.
Air Canada NDC fares
We recently announced that we’ve added another connection to our growing list of NDC-compatible airlines within our in-house online booking tool (OBT), TripCircuit.
Our clients can now book NDC fares provided by American Airlines, United Airlines, and (newly added) Air Canada online!
We also have the capabilities to offer NDC content from nearly a dozen other airlines when booking through a full-service Gant agent, including Avianca Airlines, FinnAir, Iberia Airways, LOT – Polish Airways, Qatar Airlines, Scandinavian Airlines, and Singapore Airlines. On top of that, Lufthansa Airlines and British Airways are set to join our lineup soon.
We’re definitely not stopping there!
More on this update? Check out the press release.
Gant NDC Chrome Extension ‘Secure Guest Mode’
SAP Concur (one of our OBT partners) started to release their new UI / UX – called Evolution of Travel – on June 25, 2024. Though NDC fares for Air bookings are being added as part of this update, current gaps in the technology pathways still prevent these special fares from completing the entire ticketing process.
We launched the Gant NDC Chrome extension so that our clients with a Concur Travel program can take advantage of discounted, airline-direct fares. Without causing them to sacrifice the data, policies, or processes that are ever-so vital in a managed travel program.
Previously, all SAP Concur clients that wanted to use the Gant NDC Chrome Extension needed to have the ability to log-in to the TripCircuit Online Booking Tool (OBT) to compare NDC fares and complete their reservations. Now, thanks to our recent tech updates, travelers WITHOUT a TripCircuit OBT log-in can use the extension in ‘Secure Guest Mode’ and receive generic results that don’t have travel policy restrictions or private fares applied to the booking options.
So, the Gant NDC Chrome Extension now supports TWO ‘user modes’ detailed below:
- TripCircuit Client Mode – For users that DO have access to TripCircuit. The extension works as an add-on to the OBT. Organizations must complete a TripCircuit OBT contract to use the Gant NDC extension with this access mode.
- Secure Guest Mode – For users that DO NOT have a log-in to a Gant system. ‘Guests’ will receive generic results with no travel policy restrictions or private fares applied to the booking options. To complete an NDC booking in Secure Guest Mode, a Full-Service Gant agent must be contacted when a desired NDC fare is located through this extension.
With ‘TripCircuit Client Mode’, travelers simply complete their usual air search in the Concur Travel tool, and the Gant NDC Chrome extension simultaneously completes the exact same search. A pop-up shares results, and if an NDC fare is booked, the integrated Gant systems apply Concur Travel policy, route for any approvals, and bring the trip data right back into your program reporting.
With ‘Secure Guest Mode’, travelers without a TripCircuit login can use the Gant NDC Chrome Extension to compare NDC fares with those currently available through their Concur Travel platform. If you locate an NDC fare you would like to book with the extension, those booking in Secure Guest Mode MUST contact a full-service Gant agent to complete the reservation.
Full-service NDC surcharge removed
On top of all that, we are NO LONGER charging a $24 fee on full-service NDC transactions. If your organization opted-in for NDC content, this means you can now book special fares without paying a surcharge in addition to the ticket costs.
Due to the initial-stage technology limitations, we previously had to do A LOT of manual intervention on NDC bookings. That’s why we decided to start charging this fee – otherwise it wouldn’t have been sustainable to keep offering these fares. Now that we’ve developed easier pathways to handle these bookings, we decided to do away with the fee.
Booking NDC fares (especially now that we’ve removed this surcharge from all booking types) could result in significant savings for your company.
Please be sure to touch base with your Gant account manager before you determine if NDC is the right option for your travelling team.
(Note: If we did NOT receive a previous response from your organization about opting-in or opting-out, NDC content will be set to “opt-in” by default. You may change this to opt-out at any time by reaching out to your Gant account manager.)
Current client and want to know more? Your Gant account manager can help with that, too. Or check out our toolbox resources in the Gant Gateway.
Not a Gant client yet and want to know more about how Gant can help you rethink business travel? Get in touch at [email protected].