How the Right Content Can Take Your Travel Program in the Right Direction

Content is KING in the business travel industry. 

And what do we mean by that? 

Considering business travel is such an important investment, it’s crucial for travelers to have as many booking options available to them as possible. 

Otherwise… how will you know you’re picking the best flight option to arrive in time for that meeting? Or finding the hotel in the most walkable spot? Or really getting the most bang for your company’s buck?

At Gant, we’ve set our clients up for success with a vast range of travel content – whether bookings are made online or through an agent.

Here’s a summary of what we have available from day-one:

Booking Content

Many travel management companies (TMCs) – like us – rely on technology called Global Distribution Systems (GDSs) to fulfill their client bookings. Without them, we wouldn’t be able to capture nearly as much content as business travel requires. Our GDS partner, Amadeus, is a leader when it comes to content offerings. They have unrivaled access to the most comprehensive, enriched travel content – which allows us to provide the same to Gant clients.

For example: Amadeus just announced a new agreement with Breeze Airways that will allow us to provide fares from the startup. Plus, we can still book Turkish Airlines content even though they’ve recently stopped working with other travel suppliers.

When it comes to New Distribution Capability (NDC) fares (the more personalized and oftentimes cheaper booking option), most airlines have now committed to “meeting their customers where they are”, including through GDS platforms like Amadeus. Previous NDC policies limited access to direct channels and made it nearly impossible for TMCs to provide this content to our clients. 

Fast forward to now… Airlines and car rental companies are providing NDC content across all types of channels. Week after week, more airlines are updating their distribution agreements with GDS providers to include NDC. In fact – a majority of airlines now have deals in place with at least one GDS (either currently active or will be this year).

Since we’ve done everything we can to stay on top of the transition to NDC, Gant clients are gaining access to more and more NDC content as it becomes available. Amadeus has added NDC to their distribution agreements with dozens of carriers and continues to do so wherever possible. 

Discounted Content

Speaking of discounted travel content… We’ve made sure that our clients have a plethora of opportunities to achieve their savings goals. We have excellent relationships or advisory-board membership with many of today’s leading consortia, hotels, airlines, and car rental companies. 

Every Gant client can access our air, car, and hotel discounts from the moment we begin managing your team’s travel. On the air and car travel front, we have various company-wide rates available with major vendors such as United Airlines, Enterprise Mobility, and more.

Our hotel content is discounted even further thanks to our partnership with ABC Global Services, which comprises Gant Preferred Rates (3%-26% off) at dozens of hotel chains worldwide. Booking one of these rates could get you access to exclusive amenities, too. 

We’re also part of Lufthansa City Center’s Above and Beyond hotels partnership that includes significant discounts and benefits and at over 40,000 participating properties. Through this offering, travelers can enjoy up to 25% off Best Available Rates (BAR) as well as enhanced flexibility and amenities like free breakfast, free Wi-Fi. etc. 

Additionally, our hotels team is constantly working to secure what we call “All-Gant” rates at properties across the globe. By leveraging our large traveler base and industry connections, we’ve secured more discounted rates that Gant clients can utilize. For example, your travelers will automatically receive 12% off at any Choice Hotels property.

And if all those discounts aren’t enough to snag the cheapest price, our intelligent cost-tracking technology is always working behind the scenes to ensure our clients get the best deals on their itineraries. From the time of ticketing to the day of arrival, Fare Guardian™ and Rate Guardian™, monitor all air and hotel reservations. When the automated system identifies a savings opportunity that works in an itinerary without making changes to anything other than price, it instantly secures that new price and sends the traveler an emailed alert.

Client-Specific Content

On top of all that, we want to facilitate savings however possible by combining our buying power with your expected volume. We can also help you secure discounted travel content that’s specific to your organization. 

Our account managers regularly review travel spend to identify vendors and locations where your team spends a large portion of your travel budget. Once thresholds are met, they’ll help you reach out to those vendors to negotiate corporate agreements, ensuring the best available rates for your travelers. We will then load these contracts into our integrated systems on your behalf. Renewal or renegotiation of agreements is provided annually.

Wondering how else we can set you up for success? Contact your Gant account manager, they’ll get your questions answered. 

Not a Gant client yet and want to see how we can help you rethink business travel? Get in touch with us at [email protected].

Not ready to reach out but want to know more about our offerings? Check out the rest of our website for additional details.