It’s no secret that business travel is a vital investment for companies around the world.
Without it, how else would you be able to meet with clients, build partner relationships, promote your products/services, participate in industry events, bring your workforce together, etc?
(Sure you could use videoconferencing and/or other virtual means… but we all know that can only get us so far).
The success of many companies is dependent upon business travel. And considering how big of an investment it is, you want to do everything you can to get the most bang for your buck.
Which is why travel management companies (TMCs) – like us – are a thing.
At Gant, we’re here to help with the strategic management of your travel program, allowing you to keep your travelers happy while maximizing your return on investment (ROI). Of course, there’s a lot of pieces in our puzzle that make it possible for us to do so.
But, there’s one key component that can really make or break the size of your ROI.
That is… Data.
If you don’t have the RIGHT access to the RIGHT data, you simply can’t make the necessary choices to move your ROI in the RIGHT direction.
Our innovative reporting and analytics offerings can be used to discuss and review wins/losses, ensure your travelers are adopting the tools you have provided, analyze trends and patterns in your travelers’ behaviors, and help you make critical adjustments to your policy.
Gant clients receive day-one, on-demand access to both our advanced travel reporting system and our program analytics dashboard. Our standard offering also includes a prebuilt monthly broadcast of summary reports, easy self-service export capabilities, an interactive page of geo-mapped reservation data for any current and upcoming trips, and more.
By popular demand, we think it’s time to do a deep-dive about each of these offerings (and introduce some new ones).
So, without further ado, here’s the full details on our reporting/analytics suite – all available through the Gant Gateway:
Standard Travel Reports
Gant Travel offers access to a robust reporting system to help travel managers better understand their organization’s travel spend, manage their travel program, and leverage spend to achieve a measurable ROI. Our easy-to-use platform integrates all of an organization’s travel transactions into one streamlined location where travel managers can create, schedule, or run custom reports, graphs, and charts.
There are over 100 standard report options to choose from, all of which can be customized through our broadcast or ad-hoc options.
- With broadcast reporting, your company can visualize both month-to-month and year-to-date (YTD) versions of our standard reports.
- Some examples of the month-to-month reports include: Global Executive Summary (with visual graphs), Travel Management Summary, Car Summary by Company, Global Hotel Summary, Graphical Validated Carrier Analysis, and many more.
- Based on the timeframe of the report you’re wanting to run/schedule, there are additional options available. So, if you’re running a year-to-date report, you will also have access to pull our Executive Summary, Global Hotel Detail by City, Global Car Detail by City, Lost Savings Details Report, and dozens of other report types.
- Through ad-hoc reporting, you have the capability to build a personalized homepage of favorite reports, graphs, and charts. Using the Data Cafe within the reporting system, you can search for any transaction by traveler or by reservation. You can even schedule and distribute reports to any or all of your team.
- The same standard report types are available through ad-hoc reporting, however; it allows you to visualize them in an entirely different way that could make more sense for your company. The dashboard option is popular amongst Gant clients who want to achieve a more comprehensive view that includes multiple report types.
Whether you decide to use the broadcast reporting or ad-hoc reporting option (or both), members of your organization who have the correct permissions will be able to export the reports you need, whenever you need them.
Business Review Dashboard
We’ve always recognized the important role reporting plays in well-run travel programs, and our account managers have performed bi-annual business reviews with our clients for a while now. But, just a few years ago, we decided to enhance the business review dashboard and provide you with anytime access to the most important data within it.
The Business Review reporting dashboard provides you with everything you need to oversee your travel spend, monitor company goals, track market share, and benchmark against the industry (and Gant clients). And of course, your Gant Account Manager is still available to review the dashboard with you to ensure you’re getting the most out of your partnership with Gant.
This comprehensive deck of data and visualizations gives travel managers the opportunity to review travel data, pinpoint program and policy wins and losses, and discuss possible changes or initiatives you’d like to make moving forward.
You can further customize the dashboard by selecting preferred date ranges and exporting how you see fit. Export options include: PowerPoint, PDF, or CSV by individual card.
You also have the option to “drill down” into the analytics of the dashboard and see where it’s all coming from. By simply clicking on a chart or graph card, you are able to view the underlying data at the traveler or reservation level.
GRID Dashboards
The business review data isn’t the only dashboard you’ll have access to… (far from it, actually).
Every Gant client can also utilize our Gant Reporting Insights and Data (GRID) dashboards, which are centered around helping, not only our travel champions, but also our travelers, executive sponsors, and accounting teams, to gain an all-inclusive understanding of their travel program. These targeted, permission-based dashboards will allow your whole organization to efficiently manage travel, visualize booking behaviors, and better leverage travel spend to achieve (or exceed) ROI goals.
Champion/Executive Dashboard:
- Designed specifically to actively monitor a program in light of Duty of Care and budgetary concerns, this dashboard offers quick access to the who, what, where, when, how, and how much of your travel program. At a glance, you can see where your travelers are going, have been, and aren’t going because they cancelled. Plus, the dashboard integrates pertinent health data tied directly to the reservation details for timely decisions and follow-up.
Finance Dashboard:
- For those focused on the details, like budget spent and policy adherence, this dashboard makes simple work of analyzing current-year travel spend. It includes everything from a year-to-date deck with concentration on totals, averages, and vendors, to market share analysis to help identify negotiation/contract opportunities, to running YTD averages and totals plus month-over-month comparative, to travel spend/booking breakdowns for air, car, and hotel. On top of that, you’ll have access to live travel spend totals that offer immediate view into behavior trends.
Annual ROI Review Dashboard
The last (but certainly not least) reporting dashboard we currently have available to Gant clients is our Annual ROI Review Dashboard – which also happens to be the newest of the bunch.
This dashboard compares your travel program assumptions made during the sales process with your actual booking behaviors and ROI in the last year. You can expect to find the same kinds of travel data in the Annual ROI Review that we provide through other reporting options – it’s just broken down further and displays your initial program predictions.
Some of the data points within the Annual ROI Review include:
- General ROI Data
- Time with Gant
- Total Transactions Data
- Assumed Travel Spend vs. Actual Travel Spend
- Assumed Online Adoption vs. Actual Online Adoption
- ROI Data by Category
- Assumed Volume vs. Actual Volume (broken down by Air, Hotel, and Car)
- Assumed Fee Spend vs. Actual Fee Spend
- Total Program Savings
- Average Gant Client Spend and Savings
We do recommend going through this dashboard with your Gant account manager before accessing on your own to ensure you fully understand the implications.
Travelers on the Road
We know you take Duty of Care seriously. We do, too. It’s why every Gant account has access to Travelers on the Road (Travelers OTR). It’s an interactive reporting and mapping tool that offers a quick, detailed look at where your travelers are (or will be). Whether you need to view travelers by location, date, or both, Travelers OTR can help you stay ahead of impending travel risks.
To use this tool, all you have to do is access through the Gant Gateway to receive a thirty-day, geo-mapped view of where and when your travelers will be checking-in, checking-out, departing, connecting, and arriving for all air and hotel reservations.
- For air travel, you can see your organization’s arriving, departing, or connecting flights in both a map and summary view. You can also get individual details and summary totals or filter the data to allow exclusion of the route map.
- For hotel stays, reservations will show if any night is within the thirty-day viewing window. The reservation data is listed by city and sorted by property, including check-in and check-out details. You will have access to summary totals for each location as well.
Curious how else we can assist with your data-related needs? Contact your Gant account manager, they’ll get your questions answered.
Not a Gant client yet and want to see how Gant can help you rethink business travel? Get in touch with us at [email protected].
Not ready to reach out but want to know more about our reporting/analytics offerings? Check out the rest of our website for additional details.