Top Concur Partner Gant Travel is leading the way by offering any company a simple way to know the accurate cash value of their unused airline credits via their new product FlightCreditMinerSM.
Bloomington, IN (May 18, 2020) Gant Travel, the award-winning provider of innovative travel solutions, announced today that it will provide its customers an accurate valuation of their unused airline credit by placing the correct airline waiver for every airline ticket segment regardless if they issued the ticket or not.
Gant is a leading Concur partner and innovation award winner, with several thousand businesses relying on their services for their business travel needs. As part of their ongoing commitment to helping the the ecosystem recover from the COVID19 outbreak, Gant Travel will offer FlightCreditMinerSM as a new automated solution for any company.
“Right now, every CEO needs an accurate picture of their cash. CEOs want to know how much cash they have tied up in unused airline credit so when the time is right to launch sales and service personnel back on the road, they know how long they have before they begin tapping into cash flow. This is vital information a travel manager must provide as it’s “basic block and tackle” for operating any business.” said Patrick Linnihan, President and CEO of Gant Travel. “We already give any client on our existing platform this service, this strategic innovation advances Gant Travel by enabling us to provide valuable information to any company regardless of their TMC or how they got their unused ticket. We’re offering it via our self service portal built on existing Gant technology. Of course, this tool is already an existing service for any ticket we issued. Of note, we’ve found this very useful for trips that the traveler cancelled before the airline issued a waiver – the waiver essentially significantly increases the value of that unused ticket.”
“There were two problems identified. First, the financial reporting was incorrect since waivers weren’t applied properly. Secondly, corporations were wasting $200 per unused ticket by not having the waiver code available for the exchange of the unused ticket. Our goal was to fix both problems and give every company the maximum value of their unused tickets. We created a simple means to deliver realtime waiver information for any corporation’s unused tickets by uploading a simple spreadsheet into our portal. You will then be able to receive full value of the unused tickets when they are exchanged for future travel. In our case study, we ran over 10,000 tickets through FlightCreditMinerSM and saw an approximate increase in value of $1.5M. This value increase is real useable airline credit all because the tool provides the actual identification number for the appropriate airline wavier,” said Jenni Murer, Gant Travel’s Chief Information Officer.
FlightCreditMinerSM is an end-to-end platform to deliver comprehensive unused airline credit value to corporations via a self-service portal. It aims to transform unused airline credit reports from uninnovative TMCs into accurate reports of a key non-cash asset.
The FlightCreditMinerSM service by Gant Travel:
- Allows a user to self-register
- Uploads a list of unused tickets easily into the system
- Tracks waivers applied to a list of uploaded unused tickets
- Enables easy billing by using the credit card in a user’s profile
- Safeguards compliance and mitigates risk via a ultrasecure platform
- Drives quantifiable cost savings by ensuring a travel manager knows of every waiver applicable to every ticket
- Runs in near real-time.
- Allows a downloadable report with the waiver information clearly applied
- Includes a simplied billing process for the microservice.
To learn more about FlightCreditMinerSM, visit Ganttravel/FlightCreditMiner.com or [email protected]
FlightCreditMinerSM is the name of Gant’s new service offering, no actual physical mining occurs.
Gant Travel helps its clients control the expense and the experience of business travel. Gant provides advanced technology, processes, and highly trained people to coordinate business travel properly. Gant is striving to become the best TMC on the planet for the Concur user. Our net promoter score is currently 52.
For Gant Travel media inquiries:
Brittany Figg
Email: [email protected]