
Meet GIA

We’ll be releasing GIA to the world later this year – but we want you to test our beta version now!
With this special early access, you will be among the first to experience our newest innovation: the Gant Interactive Assistant (GIA).

While you’re busy enjoying your new travel assistant, we’ll be working diligently in the background to implement improvements and add new features. We know GIA isn’t perfect…yet. That’s why she’s still in beta. But with your help, she will be. To show our appreciation for your feedback, we’ll waive booking fees for all GIA reservations during the beta-testing process.

During beta, GIA will be able to:

Book domestic airfare 
Apply travel policy controls 
Recognize profile preferences

GIA: Just one more way we’re fulfilling our promise to be the best TMC on the planet for the Concur user.

At Gant, the "perfect trip" is just the first victory on your quest for the perfect travel program.
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